Monday, August 24, 2009

hello goodbye

This weekend we said goodbye to an old friend - my fiance's 1996 Grand Jeep Cherokee. With Cash for Clunkers running out, we knew it was time. We probably would have done Cash for Clunkers a few weeks before, but we were waiting on a copy of the title from the Massachusetts DMV (long story). With 160,000 miles and going strong (well except for the transmission), it was sad to say goodbye. I remember the first time that he picked me up in that car, for our second date (he was on a bike for the first).

What did we get to replace it? After an entire day of frantic phone calls and dealer visits, we are the proud owners of a 2010 Suburu Forrester. It is awesome - the first time either one of us has bought a new car. Just under the wire as well, many bay area dealers stopped accepting clunkers with close of business on Saturday.


  1. Congrats! Since I don't have quite as much emotional attachment to the ol' beast (other than being totally clutch for a certain farming trip and move), I'm not quite as sad to see her go. But... I would have expected a little more aggressive fuel economy than 27 mpg from you guys! :-) An interesting Energy Resources homework question for you: how much oil are you saving, considering changes in mpg as well as driving habits? Is the Forrester a mountain car, or a commute car too?

    But seriously, I have a soft spot for Subarus since they remind me of
    Vermont (where everyone has one). I'm excited that I get to
    vicariously live as a grown-up through you guys!

  2. haha Emma! Our goal was 30 mpg, but also with all wheel drive and a big trunk. We also wanted to keep the price pretty reasonable. In the end it was the Suburu - even though the mpg was a little lower than we'd hoped. Anything is better than Dave's 10 mpg Jeep!

  3. need that all-wheel drive for those extreme weather conditions of the bay area? ;)

  4. Ben - Tahoe in the snow? All wheel drive is awesome!


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